This landfill is located on the Canadian Prairies in an area that is un-sheltered and is exposed to windy conditions that are typical of the southern portion of the Canadian Prairie Provinces.
Vehicles unloading at the bottom of the face were somewhat sheltered and litter catchment fences were around the tipping area, but were not well positioned for best protection.
The commercial vehicles unloading at the top were exposed to high winds and there was no litter control fencing provided for shelter or litter catchment.
To add to the litter issues, effective bylaw and bylaw enforcement was lacking. Loads on inbound vehicles were often unsecured. This led to litter along roads leading to the site and contributed litter issues at the landfill.
The operators were provided with well designed portable litter catchment fences. The fences were not effectively used around the working face. Fences were placed around the lower tipping area, but they were not well positioned to closed the gaps between fence sections. These fences were not effective in catching blowing litter off the working face, simply because of the height of the working face. The tipping area at the top of the face, which was the most exposed to the wind, had no litter fencing available.
The recommendations for litter management at this site included:
- minimize and control the size of the working face
- increase the amount of portable litter catch fences
- place portable fences where they will be effective and close gaps
- add portable wind-break fences to shelter exposed tipping areas
- establish effective controls for un-secured loads
- implement a litter retrieval program
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