Studies carried out in the late 70's for the Crowsnest Pincher Creek Regional Landfill showed how far a variety of objects could be blown at different wind speeds. The study was based on an object dropping about 1.5 M (as it would from an unloading collection vehicle), and that it would be blown away from the working face of the landfill.
Wind Speed Objects
10 - 25 km/hr Envelopes, dry paper
25 - 30 km/hr Empty plastic bags
30 - 50 km/hr Corrugated cardboard sheets, crumpled paper towels
50 - 60 km/hr Plastic strips, empty tissue boxes, tightly crumpled paper
60 - 90 km/hr Milk cartons, cardboard boxes
over 90 km/hr Metal cans
The energy in the wind is cubically proportional to the wind speedThe strength of the wind should never be under estimated. (E = v3). If wind speed is doubled, the energy increases by 8 times (2 x 2 x 2 = 8). Never under estimate the power in the wind. In strong winds, large objects, as shown here, can be blown out of the active landfill working face.
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