Saturday, October 22, 2011

Litter Catch Fences

Are you using fences to manage litter at your landfill?   

"If you don't use a variety of fences at your landfill, yet your complaining about litter, you're not dealing with the problem, your chasing symptoms"  (Who Says You Have a Litter Problem, Neil Bolton, MSW Management, July/August 2000)

Relying on one line of defence for managing your litter will help, but it won't solve the blowing litter issues.  You need to look at a variety of fencing options.  This includes, using perimeter fences,  wind-break fences, and portable catch fences.  You may need to erect temporary or semi-permanent lines of fences across your site between your action operations and the perimeter fences to catch litter.  In some circumstances, you may need to use tall baseball netting.  

Fencing systems must be designed to keep litter inside the landfill.   You want to focus on keeping blowing litter to a minimum by using operating practices that include operation of small working faces, apply cover,  and good compaction.   In some wind conditions, you may even need to limit your landfill operations.  

Perimeter Fence

Perimeter fences serve more than one purpose.  They provide site security, can limit animal access, and they are the last line of litter catchment before litter can escape the site. 
Perimeter fencing is most commonly constructed as a chain-link fence mounted on steel post.  Some designs include extension of the fence fabric below the ground surface and addition of electric fencing wire to discourage bear intrusion.    To prevent human intrusion, the fences should be a heavy gauge mesh and mounted on sturdy fence posts.  Some facilities will include barb-wire strands on top (as in the photo above).  Signs should be posted that clearly state 'no entry', and if the fence is electrified. 

To be effective as a litter catchment fence, the mesh wire should not be greater than 2 inches.    A unique design that I've seen installed in a couple of location in Southern Alberta is a sloping perimeter fence.  The fence is slope into the prevailing wind direction on the downwind side of the active landfill.   The concept behind this design is to drive the blowing litter to the bottom of the fence for easier retrieval and to minimize plugging of the fence that can happen with vertical fences. 

With either a vertical fence or sloping fence design, it is essential that the fences be cleaned of any litter that is trapped by the fence for both aesthetic reasons and to maintain the fence.  If litter is allowed to collect on the fence fabric, it may eventually plug the free flow of air through the fence and litter will then blow over the fence, or it may result in the fence being blown over. 

Intermediate Fencing

What I mean by intermediate fencing is fencing that is placed at strategic locations between the active areas of the landfill and the site perimeter fences.  Intermediate fencing may be temporary, semi-permanent, or even permanent when it makes sense to do so. 

The purpose of intermediate fencing may be to establish fence boundaries for different operations on the landfill and to provide added security if needed.  For purpose of this writing, it is fencing that is placed at location through the site to catch blowing litter.  The more of this fencing that is used, there will be less litter collecting along perimeter fences, and by logic, the less litter that will escape the landfill property.  

Intermediate fencing can consist of single rows of fencing or multiple rows.  Of course this will be determined by blowing litter direction, wind conditions experienced at the site, site topography, and budget allowances. 

When permanent fences are used, the fence could consist simply of a wire mesh fence (with no greater than a 2 inch mesh) mounted on angle iron posts, or it could be constructed similar to the chain-link perimeter fencing. 

Using semi-permanent fences allows for the fencing to be easily moved as the landfill expands.  The angle iron post design could be established as a temporary fence and used where it will be in that location for longer periods of time.   Some fence designs marketed by fencing companies are intended to be even more temporary.  Some vendor designs are simple fabric mounted on light weight posts and are anchored with wires.  Others are designed to angle into the wind.  The intent of the design is so that these fences can be easily and quickly moved. 

The baseball netting fences, may also be considered as an intermediate fence.  These fencing systems are usually a permanent installation, so their choice of location needs to be well planned out.  they need to be placed where the litter blows and where they won't interfere with landfill operations and development.   Some netting designs can be installed in a temporary location and be moved as the landfill operations move.  See photo examples below. 

Portable Catch Fences

Portable catch fences are used in close proximity of the active working face.  The are designed to be quickly moved so they can move with the continually moving working face and when the wind direction changes. 

Most designs consist of a heavy frame structure that is mounted on a skid frame.  The fence mesh is typically a heavier gauge 2 inch wire mesh.  The skid frame acts as the base to hold the fence erect.   My view is that the base (or skid frame) needs to be 2/3 the height of the vertical fence frame.   Ideally, at least 2/3 of the base should extend to the downwind site of the fence to reduce the potential for the fence blowing over.   These fence designs are moved by pulling the fence sections with the landfill equipment. 

Portable fencing sections can also be designed to slope into the wind.  This helps contain the litter at the bottom of the fence and reduce plugging of the fence.  

Some other innovative designs use a steel bar section on the vertical section of the fence that is built so the top of a loader bucket can hook under the bar to lift the fence and carry to the desired location

There are numerous manufacturers that market portable fence systems and can be easily found on an Internet search.   Landfill operators often develop their own innovated designs and work with local welding shops. 

What I think is important in portable fence design is:
  • use heavy frames to reduce damages that occur with light frames
  • use a wire mesh that is no greater than 2 inches
  • design the fence with a substantial base to prevent it from blowing over
  • design the fence so the ends butt up against each other, or even so they can over lap

Placing portable catch fences

The placement and use of portable litter catchment fences is just as important as their design.  Poorly placed, they can be completely ineffective.  The fences must be placed closed to the source of the litter and downwind.  Some operators will place these fences in a circular pattern around their active working face.  

Neil Bolton suggest using multiple rows of fences.  With a single row, the fence can be plugged and the litter will then blow over the fence.  Some litter may be trapped behind the fence if a sheltered zone is created by the plugged fence, but by placing a second row of fence, secondary trapment exists.  A third row provides an even higher degree of litter trapment.   A good example of this technique being applied is in the photo of the Lethbridge Regional Landfill at the top of this blog entry.

Ultimate Fencing Systems

If one searches around the Internet, you'll come across some fencing systems that entirely enclose the active working face under a mesh tent-like structure.   One example is shown below.  

How Strong is the Wind

WindKm/HrWind Blown Litter
CalmUp to 10 light film and paper
Light10 -  20crumpled dry paper, empty plastic bags
Moderate20 - 40light weight empty boxes, flat cardboard, paper products
Strong40 - 60corrugated cardboard boxes, sheets of Styrofoam, plastic containers
Gale60 - 90large boxes, sheets of ridge plastic, carpet, brush
Storm90 - 117 construction materials (e.g. plywood sheets) 
Hurricaneover 118 almost anything that is not secured
Tornado (F1 - F5)105 - 322dangerous winds 

This table was derived from a litter study project for the Lethbridge Regional Landfill (Salbro Consulting).  Much of the information was adopted from a litter study that was done for the Pincher Creek Regional Landfill in the late 1970's.  The concept is that if was was dropped in these wind conditions, what litter would be carried by the wind away from the working face.   In the original Pincher Creek study, various materials were dropped from a 1.5 meter height in various wind speeds to observe what is carried in these winds. 

This reasoning was based on the idea that when waste is unloaded from customer vehicles at the working face, it is the point where the waste is most exposed to the wind.   

You may find in actual wind conditions that materials not identified in this table are carried by the wind and that some materials may not necessarily be carried by the wind, but may drift along the ground surface.  This table can be used as a general guide for different wind conditions, but shouldn't be thought of as a definitive description of what litter will blow in different winds.  

One thing that is clear though, "the stronger the wind,  the bigger the objects that will be blown by the wind".  

Also, keep in mind that two other factors that will have an influence on wind blown litter are turbulence and wind direction.  


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Marine Litter

This morning I watched a show on CNBC called Trash Inc. The Secret Life of Garbage.  It reminded me of the great garbage gyre in the pacific ocean.  The show included a piece on plastic washing up on the beaches in Hawaii.  Much of it was small bits of plastic.  It included toothbrushes and bits of plastic with writing and logos in different languages.  

The show also suggested that there were 5 other gyres in the worlds oceans where plastic is collecting.  Does say a lot about the world population's environmental respect for the oceans,  does it

After watching that show, I looked Marine Litter on the United Nations web page.

You can read about the UN's mandate regarding marine litter, and about its distribution, sources, effects, and problems.  

Some of the bits of information they state:
  • in the Pacific Gyre it was found that there are 6 kilo's of plastic for every kilo of plankton near the surface
  • it is estimated that 70% of plastic entering the oceans ends up on the sea bed
  • about 50% of the remaining floating plastic ends up on beaches around the world, and the remainder is floating on the surface of the water
This is a link through the UN to an article called  Plastic Debris in the World's Ocean by Greenpeace.

I also came across a blog called "The Plastic Ocean Project" by Bonnie Monteleone.  I created a link on my blog page. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Web Information on Litter Control at Landfills

Have a look at this cartoon.   Makes you think. 

I've been searching on the web for papers, articles, presentations, and any other sources for information on litter control at landfills.  I do come across litter control descriptions on web pages for specific landfills, but they typically only offer a generic description of their litter controls.  I'm betting that if you talked directly to the site operators, you'll get more descriptive information on what they have done, what works, what doesn't work, and what they actually do.  

Periodically, I come across a presentation by a consulting company describing litter controls for a landfill design project.  I have yet to find a consultant who describes a litter control method that is much more that stating they will install litter control fences and include a litter retrieval program.   I don't want to suggest that all consultants gloss over litter controls, but I rarely come across an  landfill design that effectively addresses litter control systems. 
For example,  I just read an engineering summary for expansion of a landfill that I am somewhat familiar with.  The existing site is exposed to windy conditions and I've seen severe wind-blown litter issues at the site.  The plan shown by the consultants basically acknowledges that litter is an issue, but the mitigative measures described are  basically a description of what currently exists.  In this case, I would think that there needs to be more attention paid to the litter control program.  Perhaps this will be better addressed in the operations plan.   Let's hope so. 

I came across four articles that I think are worth a read.  I've given you the title and the web link so you can read for yourself.  

Wind, Wings, and Waste (Robert Johnson, Waste Age, June 1, 2009)

Dust in the Wind (Michael Fickes, Waste Age, June 1, 2010)

When it comes to controlling litter, good fences make good neighbors (Neal Bolton, MSW Management, September-October, 2004)

Who Says You Have a Litter Problem (Neal Bolton, MSW Management, July-August, 2000)